Positive Family Relationships

Sunday, October 14, 2018 No comments

One of the things that is extremely important to me is having positive relationships with my students' families. Also, having positive relationships with the families can be awesome on a bad day! So, I have some practical tips to help get this train rolling.... If these sound like a lot, and I know they do, just pick one and give it a shot! I think you will be thrilled with the results!

1. Class Dojo - If you don't use it, you can always look into some other options like an email list, texting, other apps, etc. I use this to constantly keep in touch with my students' families. They can keep track of their behavior, message me throughout the day, etc. I also have a "selfie request" station next to my turn in basket where kiddos can request to have a selfie taken of them with their work. Then, I post this to their personal portfolio on Dojo. The families love this! I also try to post at least one Class Story post a day with a fun activity, info about our read aloud, etc.  Here is a picture of one of my students with his work!

2. Newsletter - This one answers a lot of parent questions before you can even be asked them ;) Honestly, I should have started this even earlier this year. My newsletter has all subjects on it, reminders, my email, important dates, homework info, etc. I send this out monthly with all my kiddos. This is my newsletter template that I use. Click here :)

Fourth Grade Newsletter

3. Social Media (Twitter) - I have a class Twitter that I use DAILY. I send out permission slips that also include the hashtags I use and my Twitter handle (@MrsDFalk) Follow me for an inside look into my classroom! The families love seeing the daily updates.

4. Daily "good notes". I send three notes home per day with my students. I go down my class roster to make sure that everyone gets a fair shot. Of course, if they don't deserve it, they don't get one that day and have to try again the next day. Sometimes I mix it up and go out of order but, I always make sure to keep track on a checklist so that even my energetic friends get notes :) The students love these and they get extra tickets if they get a note!

5. Calls, texts, Dojo messages. Again, I have a checklist to make sure that I contact ALL the families in some way. Most importantly, these are POSITIVE contacts! I make at least five contacts a day on top of the other things. I know that sounds like a lot but, once it's routine, it's pretty easy! It can just be a simple text. The families appreciate this more than you know!

Doing these things is huge for the families in my classroom but, it is also huge for me! I feel like I am connected with all the families which helps me better understand and be connected to my kiddos. Also, at the end of a long day, a positive parent connection can make everyone leave the day on a good note! When you say positive things to the parent, a lot of times, they have positive things to say about you too! You deserve to hear them because we all rock!