My Half Day Pre-K (Preschool) Schedule

Friday, January 27, 2023 2 comments

 I don't know about you but, I could not find a half day preschool schedule template that worked for me. I did get one provided by my district but, it was missing a key piece of the puzzle... potty breaks. That could be crucial... I think. 😅 It took some tweaking and trial/error but, we finally landed on a schedule for the AM and PM kiddos that works for everyone. My students transition easily and know what to expect next each day. We have had lots of compliments about how smoothly my classroom runs. Maybe it will make your day easier, too! Here is our routine!


9:10 - Students arrive and enter the classroom to hang up their things (I have playdough, books and puzzles already at the tables for their morning choices)

9:25 - We go to the restroom and I do Heggerty (phonics) with the class while they are waiting their turn

9:35 - We head back to the room to finish up our table choices. I don't have them clean up the table choices when we go to the restroom. It's just a quick trip there and back.

9:45 - We have gross motor time either outside or in the gym.

10:15 - Circle Time

10:30 - Centers (we have snack as a center)

11:20 - Clean up and head to the tables. 

11:25 - I have them do a "home connection" sheet that is an activity or coloring sheet that goes with our daily learning.

11:35 - Pack up to leave

11:40 - Leave and go to the restroom if needed


1:20 - Kiddos arrive and use the restroom while waiting for others to arrive

1:30 - Head to the classroom and hang up their gear. They have the same table choices set up as the AM.

1:45 - Circle Time

2:00 - Centers (we have snack as a center)

2:45 - Clean up and head to the tables. 

2:45 - I have them do a "home connection" sheet that is an activity or coloring sheet that goes with our daily learning.

3:00 - Pack up and line up for gross motor (we hang their things up outside the gym/playground so they are ready to leave) We also head to the restroom and do Heggerty while they wait their turn to potty.

3:10 - Gross Motor

3:40 - Home