Advice For A Character, Theme

Theme is one of my favorite units! As the year comes to a close we are focusing on theme across our literacy block. We are using Kate Robert's "A Novel Approach" for most of our literacy block but, we also have the iReady curriculum so, we tie it all together. Currently, my class is working on comparing themes across texts in iReady and also doing a theme skills focus in A Novel Approach. As we work through the curriculum, my kiddos are also participating in a three week novel study of "Three Times Lucky". This book is AWESOME! (heads up, there are some inappropriate words) It is a murder mystery which is a genre that does not get much attention. My kiddos are eating this up!! As we read this we are incorporating theme skills from Jennifer Savallo's "Reading Strategies" book. I mapped out my theme unit with the curriculum, mini lessons for our novel study, read aloud days, independent reading, as well as silent reading. If this sounds like a lot.... read "A Novel Approach". That book changed the way I run my reading block and it is AMAZING. Today, we talked about giving advice to a character in "Three Times Lucky". Then, we discussed what we could learn from the advice they gave. The conversation coming out of my classroom was great! I was so impressed! This mini lesson is from "Reading Strategies" which if you don't have it, get on Amazon NOW!

Here is our anchor chart from today:

Happy Thursday! Thanks for visiting!

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