Wonder Wall - How I Encourge Curiosity in the Classroom

Happy first week back from spring break (to some of us). The year is almost over... can you believe it? I sure can't but, I am so excited for this year to be wrapping up. It's been a tough one. This year I have had a very sweet group of kids but, the ability to follow directions and complete a task was a STRUGGLE. This group thrived on hands-on, discussion, and project-based lessons. I really enjoyed them but, they were exhausting at times... that's for sure.

Today I wanted to share an idea with you to encourage curiosity, the Wonder Wall. With a group like the one I have this year, this part of my classroom is awesome. They write down anything that they are curious about or wondering about and pin it to the board. During their free time, indoor recess, or computer lab they can take an idea down and do some quick research on it. Then, they can share with their classmates. This idea doesn't take a lot of prep (SCORE!), is hands-on and interactive, and also encourages curious minds. Plus, who doesn't love a bulletin board that they don't have to maintain :)

My Wonder Wall:

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