Setting Goals for Ourselves

This year has in our building growth mindset has been a big focus. I chose to dedicate time every Tuesday to specific growth mindset lessons as well as integrating it into every day. One of the ways that I integrated it was through goal setting. Each Monday my class and I sat down and chose what our class goal would be for the week. If they achieved that goal, they got a sticker. 5 stickers would earn a party. The goals could be anything. We had things like drama-free recess, no blurting, and clean classroom. My kiddos were pretty good about calling out things that they actually needed to work on.

Individually my students set their own goals every  Monday. I had a chart in the back of the class that they could write their goal for the week on. On Friday, we had reflection time where they took their goal down and used their reflection sheet to track whether or not they met their goal. I have included the tracking sheet here. I also have a picture below of my goal display. I changed the look of this display and have all the materials as a freebie on TPT. Click here!

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